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I said: "Either I get involved, or we leave."

I chose Vermont to be my home in 2000. Beyond its beauty and endless playgrounds, I found Vermonters to be warm and welcoming, but also independent and self-sufficient; more than willing to support strong communities and to help neighbors in need. Vermont was safe. I never knew where my house key was. It felt affordable. Vermont was a place where you lived within your means

I think many of us are questioning: what happened? And when I say many, I mean most of the people I speak with, and most of the people I overhear in the grocery store, library, soccer sidelines or gas station. Our near term affordability issues are affecting nearly all. And I see people stressed and scared. 

I don't have answers or promises, but I have this: accountability. I have been watching the past few legislative sessions with interest, at first, and then with anger. We are playing with people's lives and livelihoods. Call me the voice of reason candidate. The candidate who is ready to use the skills acquired over twenty-years in business to making sure the same rigor is applied to our laws and our budgets. 

As a Representative for our Washington-Chittenden district, I will be focused on near term affordability issues while re-building towards a longer term vision of making Vermont a place  where all our kids receive a rigorous education and grow up to find fulfilling work and achieve home ownership; a place where those of us working don't feel like we are constantly swimming up stream to make ends meet; a place where our elderly can stay.

But let's do this the right way. Let's be reasonable about what Vermont and Vermonters are fiscally capable of. 

I need your vote in the August 13th Primary

I am running in the Democratic Primary against our current Democratic incumbents. I am an issues driven candidate and will represent all Vermonters regardless of political affiliation to implement sound and responsible fiscal solutions to the challenges of affordability, education, and housing.

Every voter in Bolton, Buels Gore, Huntington and Waterbury can make their voice heard in the Primary election.

  • Any voter can vote in the Democratic Primary. You do NOT need to be a Democrat.
  • We need all voices heard. Make your vote count. 
Absentee Ballot

See your town clerk and vote between June 29 - August 13

Primary Election Day

August 13

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